We're SO GLAD you're going to make bikes a part of your Catskills experience. This means your kids will always consider bikes to be an essential feature of a perfect day. Please pick from the following options, and you'll be able to choose sizes And quantities at the following page. if you get redirected to Fareharbor's website, don't freak out, tHey manage the booking engine.

our favorite rides for a 4hr rental include:

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The Catskill Scenic Trail

(overwhelming favorite for beginners)

The CST, especially the Western leg is the easiest ride in this list, this is the one you want if you’re bringing grandma along. The course map is designed as a loop, but works equally well for out & back trips. If you press on all the way to Bloomville, you can refresh and refuel at First Bloom. If not, there are plenty of obvs places to shortcut over to the Scenic Trail to shorten the loop. If you opt to tackle the rugged Eastern Leg, you can grab lunch at Sundae’s in Grand Gorge, or forge all the way to Roxbury for coffees and snacks at Watershed and Good Grocer. Links: Western Leg | Eastern Leg

Vista Cruise Loop

(Not to be missed)

This loop features two or three just staggering views, and can be easily extended if you ride out to the end of Peters Rd and head north on Odell Lake Rd instead of Bruce Hill Rd. Just follow the detour highlighted in green. Link: Vista Cruise

Breffus In Jefferson

(Or beers&wings, you do you)

If you’re hungry (or want to be), you can take Taylor to Churchill Rd for some stunning views on the way to get eggies or dindin. Buck Hill Farm has one of the best breakfasts in I swear to god the whole country, and Heartbreak Hotel has some of the best wings I’ve ever had. If you like stuff that does what it says on the tin, ask for them extra hot. There’s even ice cream across the park from the Heartbreak if you overdo it. This ride probably has the best sunset view of all. Link: Breakfast In Jefferson

legbeater pass

(not for children or the infirm)

This lungshreder of a loop takes you up over Mt U, not up to the fire tower, but all of the paved portion. If you do get sidetracked and ride up to the fire tower, take at least 3 breaks on the way back down the dirt road so your brakes don’t overheat. I’m serious. I sacrificed my last few swigs of water last time to cool my rims down. This ride will take some preparation, so I’m thinking about designing a package where you can reserve a bike a few times over the course of a few weeks to get in shape first. LMK if you actually think I should. Link: Legbeater Pass

Blackberry Loop

(quickest ride - perfect for sunrise or sunset)

Like I said, this ride can be quick. If you’re all business it takes about a half hour once you’re already fitted and checked in. Link: Blackberry Loop

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